
Mr. Steven Robertson Sr.

Marquette University

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Marquette University


Steven’s past makes him an advocate for education and the perfect youth speaker. His compelling story includes being abandoned by his father, bullied by his peers, diagnosed with a speech and language disability, and the death of his mother at a young age. The barriers of anger-management issues, low self-worth, and hopelessness that he had to overcome resonate with students experiencing similar traumas. As he began to respond to the “warm-demanders” in his life, Steven began to understand, realize, and pursue his potential and was able to be the first in his family to graduate from college and become the respected teacher, leader, high school principal, director and mentor that he is today.

Steven’s message of persistence and grit inspires youth and adult audiences as he shares his personal story. Determined to be the same “warm demander” for other youth that his mentors had been for him, Steven has devoted more than twenty years of his professional life to serving youth. He counts it a privilege to inspire them to realize, refocus, rebuild, and reach their academic and personal goals despite obstacles they may face. His life mission is to help students to go, succeed, and graduate from college.